About Anna

Hello, my name is Anna and I am an artist and writer.

From an early age, I was imaginative and was often told off at primary school for staring out the window daydreaming. I also spent a considerable portion of my childhood hiding away reading.

My art grew and grew at GCSE and A-Level, largely helped by an incredible art teacher. I considered going to art school and then got swayed by a course in History and History of Art. This is a decision which I now wonder whether it was the right one.

It was during the Covid pandemic that I got back into my art. A back injury from a horse riding fall meant I had to take a long period of sick leave from my office job. During this time I had a lot of time to think and do things and so I picked up a paint brush again and it felt amazing. It was also a brilliant way to rehabilitate my back as I had to hold myself up straight to paint.

My art has featured in Chelsea Art Society’s Summer Exhibition (2024) and the Hitchin Art Trail for two years running (since 2023).

If I’m not painting or drawing, then you’ll find me doing some sort of fitness activity or nose deep in a good book.